

Hello World

Introducing Remy Albert

Born on the 25.6.2021

Weight 7 pound 14 ounces


Melanie and Josh are very much looking forward to the birth of their first child. They don’t know the sex of their baby, so this will be a rewarding surprise for Mel and Josh when baby Van Zetten makes his or her debut.

Mel and Josh are a beautiful young couple. So soft and gentle in nature, they ooze kindness. What a blessed little baby to be gifted Mel and Josh as parents.

It is obvious to me from our first meeting that we are going to make a wonderful team.

I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Mel and Josh, helping them to ease fear and anxiety that can surround birth, and replace it with knowledge and confidence. By the time baby Van Zetten is preparing to make his or her debut, Mel, especially, is excited for all that birth has to offer her. Only with trust, faith, and support can a woman allow her birth experience to enlighten and empower her. My beautiful birthing goddess is going to trust her instincts and her support team, embracing each of these waves for as long as is required from her body, until it’s time to welcome their precious baby into the world. Nine months of waiting to fall in love for a lifetime.

Your baby's birth day is the most memorable day of your life. Birth is beautiful, mind-blowing, and intense. It's exciting and life changing. And it's coming up soon for this loving young mother to be.

The birth of baby Van Zetten

21st June 2021 at 39 + 1 days. I am not aware yet, but Mel has woken in the night with what feels like period cramping, plus some back pain.

Mel tries to act like nothing is happening and goes on a walk with a girlfriend. I do happen to call Mel in the morning to check in and see how she is going. Mel casually says, “all is good, nothing is happening, and I am enjoying a walk with my girlfriend.

But as soon as she is alone, Mel calls me back and says, “oh my goodness Krista, I’m having some surges which began the night before.”

Then, as all busy self-employed hairdressers do, Mel continues to do half a day’s worth of clients before realising in the early evening that she is going to have to cancel her next two days of clients because this is the real deal!

On reflection, Mel’s words (I still can’t believe how crazy I was Krista ha-ha) I was so sure I was going to be two weeks over!


3.30am – The waves of labour are building in intensity. Mel shares with me that she is standing and rocking with the waves, knowing that her muscles work in complete harmony to make birthing a little more comfortable.

4.56am - What do you do when you’re a hairdresser in early labour, after you have cancelled clients? Colour your own hair as a distraction, of course!

5.30am - the sensations continue to build in intensity. The nausea is as well. Bucket and sinks come in handy for many things.

8.25am - Josh and Mel head to labour ward for an assessment. Mel is having sensations every 5 minutes, yet she is calmly breathing though each wave. Fortunately, I can visit them both as I am in labour ward with another client who has been in labour since the early hours of the morning. However, my heart is torn, as I often at times wish I could clone myself to be in two places at once. I feel Mel’s hormone’s wont completely surrender and will hold back, as she will be waiting for me to come and be with her and Josh.

1.30pm - I receive an update informing me that Mel is home and resting in bed, listening to meditation and shutting her eyes to try and sleep when she isn’t having any sensations.

5.30pm - I am still in labour ward with my client when I hear from Mel and Josh again. The sensations are getting stronger, and Mel is starting to lose her confidence. Josh is such a loving partner, but Mel feels vulnerable and needs her doula. It looks like I will need to call my wonderful back up Cherie, who both Mel and Josh know. As it turns out, I don’t need to ask Cherie to call over, as I will be able to go to Mel and Josh.

6.40pm - I arrive to a warm room with the lights dimmed, soft music playing and two smiling and relieved faces. I am happy to be here too. Mel is walking through her sensations, using gravity and breath to help her baby move through her pelvis. Mel, you’re doing amazing. Now, she can feel free to let go and welcome every wave as they embrace her.

We have encouraging signs that tells us baby is putting pressure on Mel’s cervix.

We have the fairy lights, aromatherapy diffuser and the birth cub set up. Mel can rest over the birth cub with a heat pack on her lower back and I can massage her back and legs.

There is a chance I may need to go back to labour ward to see my other client. I think when Mel finds out I am free to stay with her, she confides in me that she is relieved.

Josh and Mel both go to bed to see if they can get some rest. Because I have been up since 3am, I cat nap on the couch too.

We wake to the peaceful calmness that comes with the quiet of the night. Mel continues to move her body and breathe through the sensations. She is listening to her body and just letting the waves empower her as they become closer together and stronger in intensity.

She moves between standing and smart resting positions. I lay on the couch with her, rubbing her back. Funny moment: I feel my hands getting slower and slower, and Mel informs me I fall asleep spooning her. The quiet of the night has relaxed me so much I have fallen fast asleep.

Josh and I continue to support Mel emotionally and physically, using all the comfort measures in our toolbox. Spinning babies and acupressure are also our best friends as we try to help this precious little baby move into an optimal position for Mel’s labour to progress. Mel, Josh and I make a great team. We are all very comfortable and relaxed in each other’s company. We have faith in Mel’s ability to birth her baby, and Mel has faith in us to support her. We all trust in birth and see it as physical and spiritual journey that will lead us to meeting this beautiful and much awaited baby.

My heart just overflows with love and pride for this resilient young woman. Mel will calmly pace herself through her long labour, never complaining, never giving up and just doing what her body and her baby asks of her.

As the sun rises, Mel is experiencing pressure in her bottom and her vagina, more of her mucus plug is coming away. These are all signs that we are still moving forward.


8.30am - Mel’s sensations are still sitting at 5 minutes apart. It is disheartening when your labour seems to be sitting in one place for so long. We have spoken to labour ward, and we also know that to be admitted to the birth suite, Mel needs to be around 3 minutes apart and in active labour.  As Mel sways and moves her body in a natural rhythm, we start to discuss her options if the sensations don’t get closer together. She may, in the hours to come, like to have some gas and/or a bath. We decide to do our spinning babies three sisters exercises to balance and align Mel’s body. This includes rebozo sifting, which is hard on the arms, so I get the dads to do it, usually . We bring out the big guns with the Abdominal Lift and Tuck. The Abdominal Lift and Tuck is one of the most effective early labour techniques for engaging the baby into the pelvis. We use this along with more acupressure points to stimulate labour. We are all tired but keeping our spirits high. Finally, Mel’s sensations move to three minutes apart, so we read a birth prayer to keep her and her baby safe. However, this little baby is no rush, as sensations move back to 5 minutes apart.

10.30am - We need a change of scenery and some renewed motivation. Mel would like to try some gas. We let labour ward know to call our midwife as we are making our way in.

11.47am - We are settled in labour ward and have set up our fairy lights, diffuser, and music. Mel’s sensations are continuing to climb in intensity and moving closer together. We discuss some pain relief options as Mel is feeling tired and the intensity is climbing. In Mel’s birth plan, it shares that she doesn’t wish to know her dilation, as this number potentially can hold the power to make or break any birthing woman that has been working long and hard. Mel has been in labour for days. She is cleared to have the morphine injection; this should take the edge off the sensations and allow her to rest a little easier. Our midwife shares with me that Mel’s body has been working very hard and is just starting to dilate, meaning she is in the very early stages of labour. There are still a few mountains to climb yet. If I shared this update with Mel, I’m sure her spirit would be dimmed. Thankfully we can keep it bright by emphasising that she is doing a marvelous job, her positive thoughts and her body are working in perfect harmony together. The morphine will enable Mel a chance to rest and regain some energy for all that awaits her in the coming hours. Josh is the calm and loving partner that remain by his wife’s side and in awe of all that she is, as I am. We continue to use all our comfort measures as our birthing goddess labours on.

I also make an informed decision on taking this time to go home and sleep myself. I have come from one birth straight to Mel and Josh. I feel that for me to be my best for Mel and Josh I need to rest too. My back up doula, Cherie, is more than happy to come support Mel while she hopefully gets some rest and I recharge my batteries.

I return at 4pm. Cherie is enjoying herself so much. I wait half an hour for her to swap with me.

An examination at 4.15pm reveals that Mel is on the way to meet her baby. As the dilation is progressing, she decides that she is happy to know this time. We reveal that Mel is on the way, between 4-5 cm dilated.

4.30pm - I am back in the room and well rested. Mel moves up onto her feet to lean over the birth cub on the bed. This will help put pressure on her cervix to encourage dilation.

6pm - Mel is alternating between being up on the bed upright, kneeling over a raised bed head, or laying on her side with a peanut ball between her legs to keep her pelvis open. We continue to use comfort measures and positive words. I feel Mel is really embracing the wisdom and innate knowledge of her body.

We make sure we are offering lots of water. De-hydration can cause a stall in labour, and we don’t want this to happen. Poor Mel has been vomiting frequently through her labour. She’s the only one that has not been enjoying the labour snacks. Feeling so nauseous, Mel couldn’t even keep a jellybean down.

There is no doubt that Mel is such a trooper. Every time I suggest maybe doing a round of spinning babies to balance and align her body, lunges to open her pelvis or use acupressure for labour progress, she just gets in and does it. When I say she looks radiantly beautiful through labour, I’m telling the truth.  A glowing, rosy-cheeked and tussled golden-haired goddess. Our awesome midwife and I keep saying that Mel makes this business of being born look easy. The gas does make her quite entertaining as well. Calling out random names and just saying “Van Zetten” at one point in time.

7.15pm - As another night falls upon us, Mel is resting on her side. Another funny moment: Mel is doing her footy tipping with Josh through contractions. Truly a multi-tasking mummy already. I am performing acupressure on her ankles.

7.30pm - We are excited, Mel’s waters have broken. This also speeds up the sensations to 1 minute apart.

8.30pm - Mel’s bladder has decided to seize up and she can’t empty it. We try peppermint oil in the toilet, but we can’t convince it to flow.

The morphine has worn off a few hours ago now and a warm inviting bath to immerse herself into for comfort and pain relief is well received. Warm water instantly relaxes muscles and the mind with the benefit of the welcome feeling of weightlessness. Mother nature’s epidural.

Mel finds some relief in the bath, leaning forward and breathing slowly and deeply with the gas, providing her with a focus to take nice, deep breaths. We keep cool towels up to her forehead as this is hot work. She also sips on water and hydrolytes to keep her moving forward. If she wasn’t in labour, I’d think we are all in a day spa, with the soft music and the aromatherapy, creating a relaxing retreat. All that was missing was the champagne, although I am sure this does not cross Melanie’s mind. 

This conscientious young woman was continuing to work hard, never giving up on her goal. Each sensation bringing her one step closer to meeting her baby.

“A strong intention, a relaxed body and an open mind are the main ingredients for an active birth." And Mel is displaying all these characteristics, hour after hour after hour, with her wonderful birth hormones and her committed birth team as her helpers.

"Life only demands the strength you possess."

10.30pm - Our midwife, I can’t express how awesome Mel is coping. Our midwife is consciously also thinking “where is this baby lying?” she decides to have a look on an ultrasound, which confirms that baby Van Zetten is facing sunny side up (posterior). Baby wants us to work hard tonight, or maybe this cheeky baby is practicing early on to be an acrobat.

"Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defence, and as courageous as either one." — Gloria Steinem

This new information on baby’s position enables us to make sure Mel has options to labour in positions that will encourage baby to turn. I also perform acupressure points that encourage turning posterior babies. Mel never loses her courage. I feel strongly that the knowledge of how to birth her baby lies deep inside her, and it continues to showcase how resilient and accepting of the birth process Mel is.

Mel continues to move positions to help move her baby.

Josh physically sees baby Van Zetten turning as he sits next to Mel, who is labouring while lying on her side on the bed. This young man has been such a loving and caring support to Mel, the comfort and love he is providing is more precious than gold. The love and respect he has for Mel and his unborn baby is heart-warming to witness. I can see Josh is going to just love being a dad.

For the next few hours, Josh and I take turns having a sleep in our room, while our birthing goddess soldiers on. Tapping into her birth power hour after hour. Truly, never questioning the length of time this baby is asking of her, and hardly making a noise.

Mel shared with me that while she was back in the bath and I was having my turn to sleep, she said to our midwife, “I’m so tired, I think I need to consider an epidural.”

I am awake as Mel comes back into our room and consents to a vaginal exam to see if an epidural could be an option. Our midwife exclaims “Mel, the head is literally in your vagina.” Mel knew that her body was slowly starting to want to bear down.

We know the cervix is not a crystal ball. But after such a long labour, hearing that all this work has enabled Mel to dilate to 8cm feels amazing.

You can’t wipe the smiles off our faces. This news enables us to refrain our thoughts and feel excited that baby Van Zetten is going to grace us with his or her presence, hopefully sooner rather than later.

25th June 2021

2am - Mel is feeling deep pressure in her bottom. Her sensations are strong as she continues to be brave and calm. It is nearly time to welcome her baby into the world.

We keep up the acupressure, positive affirmation tracks, cold cloths and water filled with hydrolyte.

Mel’s beautiful face beaming with confidence as she announces “I knew I could do this. I knew I could have the birth I have been visualizing”. We all smile.

Mel is now making the sounds of a woman that is going to collect the soul of her baby and bring herself and her baby back with her.

4.15-5.15am - Mel is now working with each sensation to bring her baby down; she moves with how her body is responding to the surges, laying on her side and then up onto the bed on all fours. It may be around this time that Mel’s sensations must be starting to really make their presence known; as her girlfriend who is coincidently in labour in the next room shares with us later,she could hear Mel roaring.

 “A woman in birth is at once her most powerful, and most vulnerable. But any woman who has birthed unhindered understands that we are stronger than we know.” Marcie Macari

After pushing for a good 45 minutes, we are blessed to see Mel and Josh’s sweet little baby’s face. He had turned from posterior into an optimal position, though, it came to our attention that his shoulders didn’t seem to want to come out. Our midwifes needed extra support as they were concerned that Mel and Josh’s baby needs to be born soon.

The emergency button is pushed, and the room floods with medical care providers. One of them being the calmest of Obstetricians, who was to take over helping Mel bring her baby into the world.

When you come to the edge of all the light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.” - Patrick Overton

None of us were expecting the heart stopping minutes that were about to unfold.

We had to put our faith and trust in the medical team from here.

Mel is flipped over onto her back, I glance at Josh, my heart hits my stomach as I can see the worry and fear in Josh’s face. The medical team are trained in shoulder dystocia, though this doesn’t stop any of us that are witnesses from holding our breath and our hearts. I am not sure what is going through Mel’s head, but she is looking focussed and digging deep, continuing to be brave for herself and her baby.

“The strength that is displayed in labour and birth is something that no one can EVER take from you in your life.” - Elixir of courage

At 6am we all take a breath as Master Remy Albert Van Zetten is born. Though Remy is stunned and feeling a bit out of sorts from his birth.

Remy has the cord cut as after a few good rubs for encouragement to breathe, he isn’t responding as well as they would like him to. Remy is taken straight to the baby station for some oxygen. Thankfully it is not too long, and Remy is breathing really well on his own. Reunited with his mummy, looking a lot happier now, snuggled up and enjoying skin to skin and cuddles, his daddy watching on. Our teary eyes full of worry are replaced with tears of joy. Everyone in the room is smiling, we will be forever grateful for the skill and speed that our OB displayed this morning, safely guiding Remy, as his shoulders were released, and he could now make his final debut earthside.

Remy your first breath literally took ours all away. Welcome to the world little man. Our hearts are overflowing with love to finally say hello to you.

You have blonde hair and blues eyes. 7 pounds and 14 ounces of perfection.

A beautiful new family of three. Ready to embrace this new and exciting chapter of their lives.

Thank you, Mel, and Josh, for inviting me along to be a part of your special birth story. Your birth story is long, I could have written it as a series  what a marathon. And you excelled in all that you set out to achieve. I am so proud of you Melanie Van Zetten. There is no stopping you now xxx Wonder Woman xxxx

And as we all like a happy ending, I can share that as I write this, its 10 months since Remy’s birth. Remy has continued to thrive. He is just delightful. A smile to melt a thousand hearts. A happy little boy that is spreading so much love and joy with everyone that knows and loves him xxx

The End