Congratulations! Bringing a new life into the world is truly special. As a newborn mother your heart is wide open, you are sensitive— you are brand new. Up until this moment all of the focus has most likely been on the pregnancy and the birth. What is often forgotten is that giving birth not only means the birth of a child, but also the birth of a mother which can often be more intense than childbirth itself.
The journey into motherhood will transform you in many ways. When it comes to caring for a newborn baby, the first forty days sets you up for the next forty years. As your postnatal doula, I'll help you switch on your intuition, tune into your baby and be the mum you want to be. Think not about whether a postnatal doula is worth the investment— you are worth it.
“The moment a child is born a mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but not the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”
Now you have a beautiful new baby in your arms, it doesn’t mean your extra support system has to end there. A big part of what I do as a postnatal doula is to “mother the mother” and ensure you are well nourished, cared for and at ease in your new role. Your body knew how to conceive, nurture and birth your baby, just as it knows how to love, feed and protect your new baby. All you need is preparation, confidence and support— all the things a postnatal doula can help you with.
It has often been said it takes a whole village to raise a child. In many traditional cultures, women are not expected to carry on their normal lives but are revered and recognised for the new journey they are beginning. While many women in Western culture regard this as a ‘luxury’, other cultures would consider it essential in the period after giving birth. This has translated in many women not reaching their own personal breastfeeding goals, a rise in postnatal depression and sadly the breakdown of many marriages. Many of us don’t live close to our families anymore, so in many ways we have lost our ‘village’.
There is often a lot of pressure for new mothers to get back to their pre-baby activities soon after the baby arrives, leaving new mothers often feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. A newborn mother should be surrounded by love and support, enabling her to rest, enjoy nourishing foods and heal from her birth. At this point in time, the mother's only job should be as nature intended— finding her own mothering style and fall in love with her baby.
My passion is to change the way we care for newborn mothers. My role is to ensure the mother, baby and family are thriving, not just surviving.
I will help guide you to switch on your intuition and tune into your baby, allowing you to become the mother you want to be. This includes such things as learning about sleep, breast/bottle feeding soothing and settling, newborn care, building relationships, how to "build a village" as well as helping you develop and set up efficient systems.
These visits aim to empower you, while also providing a soft space to land in the difficult days when you just need a break. For when I’m not with you, I want you to feel confident and on top of things. I will help you integrate your new baby into your household, providing assistance where you need it most.
Postnatal doulas provide new mothers with:
Unbiased support to find your own parenting style
Feeding support of all types
Swaddling techniques for your baby
Guidance with infant sleep and soothing techniques
A sounding board for both infant and postnatal recovery questions
Cooking you delicious, nutritious and easy to digest meals and snacks including Ayurvedic recipes that are designed to heal your mind, body and soul
Guidance and information for simple infant and self-massage techniques using safe, gentle strokes
Help to create a self-care plan for postnatal peace
Time for self-care— have a long shower, soak in the bath, enjoy a walk or catch up on some sleep
Relaxing massages with essential oils
Modern belly binding— an ancient practice that feels like an all-day hug. Most women feel comforted, held and supported.
Someone to entertain older children (or hold baby so you can spend some quality time with other family members)
An extra set of hands while learning care of your new baby.
The blissful side of motherhood is often discussed but becoming a mother can also bring with it overwhelming emotions at a time when you least expect it: the good, the bad, the wonderful, the overwhelming and the exhaustion. These are all completely normal feelings that come with being a new mum.
Having a postnatal doula with a compassionate heart to help care for you, your baby and your new family in these early days can make all the difference. If your partner is taking time off, you may feel you don’t need the services of a doula. While this may be true, partners may also need time to adapt to the new situation and may not be experienced at caring for others while juggling the demands of a new baby. Asking for help is one of those great lessons in humility that having children teaches us.
I look forward to having the opportunity to help you embrace your new role as a mother and help guide you for a postnatal period filled with love, peace and joy!