Spinning Babies® is a technique which helps to optimise the physical relationship between the bodies of the mother and baby for the easing of childbirth. This approach takes clues from the baby’s position for natural, physiological solutions for birth and pain management. I have undertaken training where I am able to show mothers how to correctly and safely perform these exercises as part of my services.


In a nutshell, Spinning Babies® helps to:

  • Align the uterus so baby can curl and enter the pelvis as a small, compact (and more active) participant

  • Release tight ligaments or muscles which may pull or twist and may relieve pelvic pain now or discomfort during birth

  • Support what’s loose in womb or pelvis with a pregnancy belt

  • Open the pelvis to let baby move down during the birth process

  • Share birth wisdom with parents and providers in ever deepening layers of understanding birth.


For more information, visit the Spinning Babies® website here.



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