

Erin McCabe

Welcome to the world

Arlo Fredrick Steven James

On the 27.7.2021



41 plus 6 days

 I am in awe of this bubbly-spirited young woman with the most beautiful mane of blonde ringlets you have ever seen.

Erin has one of those effervescent personalities that just lights up a room, you are instantly attracted to her golden light. Erin reminds me of what I imagine a real-life fairy may look like.

I loved spending time with Erin and her wonderful partner Steve as we prepared for the birth of their first baby.

Erin was excited to learn all she could. This is one very well-versed young woman. Erin is a Yoga and Pilates instructor. Erin is already doing all the right things during her pregnancy to make space, balance her body and encourage her baby into an optimal position. Erin eats well, engages in all the spinning babies exercises and hasn’t sat backward on a chair or a couch, for months.

Erin has created a beautiful and special vision board to have at home, and for us to take to the labour ward. A vision board acts as a visual representation of your goals and dreams. This makes your dreams vivid and is a wonderful reminder of what makes your heart sing

All of Erin’s mind and body preparation is going to come to good use. Erin is stepping into the unknown world of labour and birth. She doesn’t know how long it will take or what roads she may have to walk down, or if there will be mountains to climb. What she does know is that she is well-supported and more than ready. Whatever it takes, Erin knows for sure … it will all be worth it.

A new baby is like the beginning of all things. Hope, wonder and a dream of possibilities

The lead-up and the Birth of Arlo James

22nd July Erin, Steve and I catch up at Aromas café before I accompany Erin to her antenatal appointment. The week before, Erin felt intimidated and pressured to be induced.

This week we have a few “oh no, did the Obstetrician really just say that moments”, but generally a much more positive experience. Mum and baby have been tracking along beautifully and they still are. We discuss Erin’s options with the Obstetrician, Erin decides that 42+2 is her magic number before she considers talking about induction if her baby hasn’t made his debut. The Obstetrician makes a strange sound and says “she hopes that plan is flexible?)

What we do find is valuable information, Arlo is presenting in a posterior presentation. This is probably why he hasn’t engaged in Erin’s pelvis. We can now plan to encourage her baby to turn into a more favourable position, hopefully, he will then be able to drop into Erin’s pelvis, apply good pressure on her cervix and away we go.

As I mentioned previously Erin has looked after her body and done all the right things during this pregnancy to make space, balance her body and encourage her baby into an optimal position. Arlo “what are you thinking “Posterior!

Erin continued to take her yoga classes right up to nearly 40 weeks.

With this new knowledge and 42 weeks on our horizon, Erin is keen to get things moving. My suggestions for the specific spinning babies, acupressure, and other optimal positions she can engage with are all designed to gently encourage Erin's baby to turn. This is our focus now.

All the tricks including a castor oil smoothie come into play as Erin entices her baby boy to wiggle around and make his move to come to meet his mummy and daddy.

It pays off. The next day, just as Erin is having moments of self-doubt, she is unknowingly not far away from things starting to take off. From our conversation that evening Erin feels like her baby has changed position

“However much we know about birth in general, we know nothing about a particular birth. We must let it unfold with its own uniqueness.”-Elizabeth Noble


11.57 pm 41 weeks +4 days. I receive a message from Erin saying she is pretty darn sure she is having contractions. They are quite close together and range between 3 and 7 min apart. Erin expresses that she doesn’t want to call and wake me. But, she can’t imagine it's anything else.

Things are on the move. Erin, Erin thinks she may have wet herself. It is really a bloody show. Another positive sign is that her body and baby are ready.

She experiences three surges in 10min, and I know she will be calmly breathing through them all.

I give her some reminders; sipping water and what comfort measures she can use in the hours to come.


3.55 am I receive an update - Erin’s Sensations are now 3min apart and starting to build in intensity. No resting, breathing through them and sipping water.

Erin feels that her sensations, though close together are still very manageable, and she doesn’t need me to come to her just yet. Steve and Erin are a good team. They will ride these waves out until they don’t feel manageable anymore. We plan to see how the next few hours go. Erin wants me to get some sleep.

I let Erin know that this is her special time, and she doesn’t need be considering my sleep today!

4 am Sensations are 5min apart lasting around 60 sec. Heading in the right direction.

7.20 am I don’t hear any more updates from Erin overnight.

In the morning Erin shares with me that has been able to rest in-between sensations.

We decide to touch base after she has had another sleep. Erin will need all her energy. I have a plan to help labour along if we need to later this morning. I don’t share this information just yet, as I want Erin to concentrate on resting while she can.

9.15 am We have a baby that just wants to lay posterior at every chance. This posterior presentation will be our biggest challenge in encouraging him to choose a more optimal position. Arlo sweet baby, we are up for the challenge to help you navigate your journey earthside.

2.30 pm I call over and check in with them both. Erin and Steve are in good spirits and excited to be hopefully meeting their little son soon.

Erin is so happy to be in the labour zone, she connects to all that her labour asks of her so naturally. Humming away and smiling, even when she feels lighting crotch pains. In her words; she can see rainbows at the peak of every surge. As her labour progresses over the coming days, I often say after the peak of a sensation “I can see you are coming down the rainbow, Erin “

Erin is always keen to get in and do some body balancing, we get to work with spinning babies and some lift and tucks to try and help her baby to engage. We have the diffuser on and relaxing music. As the afternoon moves on, we enjoy sweet potato chips and regular chips for a carbohydrate energy kick, bonus they taste good too.

As the afternoon melts into the evening, Erin can feel the intensity rising in her lower back. A hot water bottle and leaning over the birth cub takes some pressure off her spine, hopefully, this encourages the baby to turn. We use all the spinning babies and acupressure techniques I have in my toolbox. Steve is becoming an expert at the rebozo sifting. Erin continues to hum and chant. We make sure Erin has optimal rest positions so she can nap in between the surges with her eye mask. This has been a long journey and we are still at the beginning. At one stage Erin feels like there is a prickle bush inside her tummy. She keeps changing positions as Steve and I continue to support Erin, emotionally and physically, making sure she keeps up her water intake and empties her bladder. We are aware that when you want to move a baby, you must keep moving the mother. Erin, you are a superstar and so positive. You trust in yourself. And that’s the most important quality, especially when labour is long. Erin is completely connected to her mind, her body, and her precious baby. She has surrendered her soul to whatever it will ask of her.

We are still in early labour. I say goodnight around 10.30 pm and if I don’t hear from them, I will see them tomorrow.


A new day is here, and I am back with Erin and Steve. We set about doing all our spinning babies’ techniques and the walchers technique (which is a movement that also moves muscles and bones to make space to encourage babies to descend into the pelvis “

I braid Erin’s hair to keep it out of her face. Erin is working hard on keeping her spirits high. Wondering when her labour is going to really pick up the pace

We have moments where Erin releases all her emotions as they bubble to the surface, and her warm tears start to flow and roll down her cheeks. This has been a four-day marathon. Honouring all that she is feeling and giving herself the space to let it all out. Then in her effervescent unique way, Erin’s contagious smile lights up her face and off she goes again, refocused and calmly breathing through every surge.

“Give yourself over to the inevitability of birth. Soar with the powerful waves, and rest in the calm waters. Surrender to the wild ride. Accept that birth will take you beyond this world, beyond time and space. SOAR”

In my mind I can see beautiful Erin on a white unicorn with her golden hair blowing behind her as she takes flight up into the sky to collect the soul baby, bringing him back down with her when she returns. I do I love fairy tales.

Around 3 pm we have a glass of celebratory champagne. Erin’s belly button is finally pointing to the ground. Erin is experiencing sensations that are strong and close enough together that we make our way to the labour ward. This has been a long haul for Erin. I feel Arlo is giving a whole other meaning to the word “spinning babies “

At 3.50 pm We do a round of lifts and tucks for good measure before we head to the LGH. Erin is also experiencing some leaking from the amniotic sac.

I feel Erin is ready for a change of scenery, being at the LGH will give her some encouragement to know she really is going to meet her baby sooner rather than later.

5.20 arrive at the LGH

We hand over Erin’s birth preference list to our lovely midwives. It is essential that all who will be caring for Erin know what’s important to her. This way we are all on the same page and can work together in harmony to support Erin.

The midwives palpitate and think Arlo is no longer straight spine to spine posterior more like sitting on the left and posterior (LOP)

There is some meconium in the water, taking this into consideration Erin agrees to the cordless monitor. I set about recreating a peaceful and serene space in our room. Erin’s vision board, fairy lights, diffuser and some relaxing music softly playing in the background. Erin has also bought her eye mask. This mask has been a great way for Erin to intimately connect with her herself, blocking outside distractions. Erin breathes as she gracefully moves her body and continues her labour dance. I am in awe of my birthing goddess. She breathes and sways through each one of her never-ending sensations. She doesn’t know how much longer her labour will last, but Erin’s heart trusts this journey into the unknown. Erin’s sensations are intense, they are not stronger than our birthing goddess, but they are a part of her, bringing her closer to meeting her son. Steve and I will continue to hold space for Erin.

Observing the power of birth, the power of family, and the power of a woman’s body as she moves between two worlds and lingers there for as long as her labour needs her to, is an incredible thing to witness. Erin’s goals are mine and they are the only goals I am focussed on today.

Erin tries water injections to see if this helps her back pain. All fours are on the bed with the birth cub with Steve and I using comfort measures, reminding Erin to drink to keep her hydrated.

7.20 pm Erin is resting on her side. labour is not yet established. Erin needs to try and conserve her energy. we continue with acupressure, after a rest Erin moves to the birth cub and rests over it on all fours. This enables the baby to rotate freely into a good position if he wants to.

10.20 pm The Obstetrician comes in to see us to discuss antibiotics for prolonged rupture of membranes, and the option of accepting some Syntocinon to strengthen Erin’s contractions.

Erin is determined to keep going on her own, as her sensations are picking up and she is finding the gas helpful. For now, Erin is still content to keep on her chosen path.

Every woman has the power to give birth. But you must believe in your own power to possess it.

10.55 pm we do have a funny moment. Erin has a tens machine on, and it seems to be malfunctioning. Our midwife has a play around with it and accidentally hits the button onto high. As Erin jumps in reaction to the electric pulse, we all start screaming in unison. Look at each other and laugh.


Midnight -1.14am

Erin is such a trooper. Labour is a process that invites us to Surrender to the unseen force behind all life. Erin doesn’t question why or how long; she just keeps on going changing positions from the bed to the birth cub, to standing and having one foot on a yoga block to try and help the baby move into a good position. It’s like we make space, and the baby moves but still isn’t in an optimal position. This makes it a very slow and steady marathon for Erin. Erin agrees to an exam, she is 5cm and can be stretched to 6cm, and her cervix is very thin and stretchy. You’re getting there beautiful girl.

Erin is also starting to feel pressure in her bottom. The gas is helpful in encouraging Erin to take nice big deep breaths.

Another funny moment. I have my phone out as I often take photos during my client’s labour and births. I accidentally facetime my daughter Georgia. Georgia can’t see anything personal but is as shocked as I am that I have zoomed her into the labour ward. “Mum, where are you?” “Are you in the labour ward”? “Yes, and I didn’t mean to face time you “

4 am Another check and Erin’s dilation hasn’t changed. Erin’s baby is high, he has also returned to a posterior position again, with a flexed head. Gosh, Arlo, you are a little monkey. Erin is so tired and feeling very emotional. We are discussing a new pathway to help Erin to birth her son. After much discussion, Erin agrees to an epidural to hopefully relax her pelvic floor, and some Syntocinon to strengthen the intensity of her sensations. At birth, we frequently must be brave enough to consider taking alternate routes. This is an informed decision, using the medical toolbox to hopefully help this little boy down. Erin has done everything she possibly can do, she will keep on going, just taking a different path. I hope she can have a rest and regain her strength, as she will need it in the hours that are to come.

5.25 am Erin is back smiling. She has her eye mask back on through her surges, and Steve affectionally holds Erin in a comforting and safe embrace. Their connection is special, and I know all his loving support is so helpful for Erin.

6 am Erin is not keen on having the epidural, Steve cuddles Erin and holds her, and her pillow through the whole procedure.

The epidural is in place. Thankfully the epidural has enabled Erin to still have a lot of feeling, and she can keep moving her body. This time gifts Erin the space to take a breath and reflect on how far she has come. Erin is a positive energy that brightens up a room and is now honouring all the joy and happiness she has felt at being able to labour at home in a place she felt safe, with the man she loves. Having the three of us there creating a haven for Erin to labour in for all those days has been an important part of Erin’s labour.

Making informed decisions to take a new path is empowering, but that doesn’t mean you can’t also grieve what you gave chosen to let go of. Erin needs to release all that she has been suppressing in her heart and the tears start to flow. Seeing Erin cry has Steve feeling emotional too. This business of being born tugs on all our heartstrings.

Then In Erin's style, she puts on her eye mask, gets back into her birth zone, and starts humming.

8 am Erin is 6cm. This is good progress, though our happy baby boy is starting to have some decelerations. They all keep an eye on him. In true Arlo style, he is still a spinning baby. He is on the left, then he moves to the right, and now he is moving into an anterior position. I am starting to think Arlo will be born a yoga instructor, or maybe a gymnast. He certainly has all the moves.

11.21 am. The best news, Erin has finally made it to 10cm dilated and can start pushing if she feels ready.

Erin is so very fit and flexible – how far she can elevate her leg up to push is impressive.

Erin is moving those hips to help her baby. Arlo is again having heart rate dips, and this has our midwife worried. The Obstetrician tonight isn’t concerned. A fetal scalp clip is recommended, the way Arlo is now presenting shows he may need some assistance to be born. Arlo is presenting with his ear coming first. Goodness me Arlo.

12.52 pm Our obstetrician manually turns Arlo’s head into an anterior position, with our birthing goddess Erin singing “don’t stop believing”. My heart just pings with love for all Erin is. Truly the most shimmering golden light in the room.

Erin continues to be brave. The thing about being brave is it doesn’t come without the absence of fear. Bravery is the ability to look fear in the face, and say move aside, you are in the way. In Erin’s case, she sings her way past fear.

With all Erin can muster she gives it her all. Smiling and humming in between pushing to keep her spirit high. she has come so far, and we are so close.

Erin’s soul is fierce, her heart is brave, and her mind is strong.

One of our midwives takes selfies with us, Erin laughing, and the next moment she is again breathing through her strong surges. This epidural has Erin feeling full sensation.

After one hour, Erin is examined again - Revealing Arlo has turned posterior again.

A birth plan is discussed with us all. Erin is agreeing to some assistance with the ventouse. This is deemed the safest option. Arlo will benefit from being born sooner rather than later, especially since he is making his birth a little challenging, and not presenting in an optimal position

There is a lot of tugging and pulling. I look into Erin’s eyes and my heart just bleeds. I can see her spark is still there, swirling around, mixed with fear and determination. Erin looks me in the eye, and says “I can do this”” I reply yes you can”

A woman like Erin is like a rainbow in the middle of a storm, strong, beautiful, and rare.

Our midwife pipes up and exclaims “this is the best birth I have ever attended” With all the joy, positive vibes, resilience, high spirits and of course the singing.

Steve is wonderful through it all, He is Erin’s rock. A quiet, calm, and loving presence, ready and right there to give lots of cuddles, holding Erin’s heart in his arms. I think Steve for now is masking his own worries to be fully present for Erin.

In-between sensations Erin is singing Abba, saying “this has been good so far”.

Two attempts with the ventouse and this baby is not coming. I can see the concentration and the effort the Obstetrician is putting in, as Erin pushes with everything she has. Our Obstetrician pulls. He isn’t budging. And Erin is singing “another one bites the dust”

Honestly, Erin, you’re amazing. Erin’s courage and strength are still going strong. The Obstetrician feels the forceps are the next step. Steve looks worried, I am sure he is well out of his comfort zone. He will continue to be there for Erin, we all are. Everyone that needs to be in the room is here. Dancing Queen comes on and the Obstetrician says to Erin “Keep singing “. We all start singing with her. The midwife says the energy in this room is just outstanding. Erin is moving and wiggling her thighs, her legs, and her hips, she has full sensation and is trying everything she absolutely can to help Arlo to be born
Erin, you are the Dancing Queen. Two different kinds of forceps are used, and Arlo is showing no signs of wanting to make a debut.

Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our hearts.

Erin’s eyes lock with mine again, she nods and smiles, I can see she is not broken but maybe a little scared. She looks so angelic with her beautiful blonde tussled hair and rosy cheeks. I honestly feel worried that the Obstetrician just can’t help Erin birth her baby. I can see she is frustrated. He is right there. A senior Obstetrician is called, and she calmly comes into the room. With a presence that instantly makes me feel at ease. Her voice is soothing, and she acknowledges us all, she makes mentions “this little boy that is making birth a challenge”. She performs what looks like magic, and effortlessly slips in the forceps, Arlo just glides out and up onto Erin’s chest. It was like how that can have just happened so easily! But so grateful it did.

1.59 pm Arlo has finally made his grand debut.

Erin’s face looks instantly relieved, excited, in love, and in shock. Finally, Erin can take a breath. A mother’s love endures through all. I can’t believe how perfect Arlo’s head is. He has had it suctioned and pulled with the forceps. Arlo is just divine and very happy to be earthside. I hope Arlo has inherited his mum’s effervescent and beautiful spirit and both his parent’s loving hearts. He is not fussed at all by the last few hours of trying to be born. We can’t wipe the smiles off our faces.

Welcome to the world Arlo Fredrick Steven James, we have patiently been waiting to meet you. And you are defiantly worth the wait.

“I will love you forever,

I will like you for always,

As long as I’m living

My baby you’ll be”. Robert Hunsch

Thank you, Erin, and Steve, for inviting me along to support, laugh, cry, and sing as you welcomed your beautiful baby Arlo into the world xxx What an exhilarating ride.


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