The Birth of Rufus
Born on the 14th of April 2023,
weighing 3.7kg
measuring 50cm long.
"The energy and strength of a woman in labour is an untamed force, a magnificent dance between determination, surrender, and love." Marcie Macari
Congratulations to my awesome clients, Claire, and Fred, on the birth of their first baby, Rufus Frederick! They are two amazing and loving newborn parents.
Every birth I support reminds me of the sheer determination and bravery of women. Claire, my beautiful birthing goddess, was about to see just how truly amazing she was. Claire spent her whole pregnancy making sure she was educated, physically and mentally prepared to birth to her baby. All her preparation was about to serve her well as Claire's passage into motherhood was going to be very long, asking a lot of her.
Many hours of physiological labour, supported by her loving husband Fred and her dedicated birth team at the birth centre, were to become part of Claire's story.
Labor can be like a long sea journey to a country where you don't know the language, and where the land is in sight for such a long time that after a while, it's just the horizon. The waves can get rough and unpredictable, and the nausea follows. You feel the connection and safety of the dolphins close beside you; they are protecting your space, holding your heart as you keep surfing every single wave that comes your way. Just as you feel like you cannot surf one more of those intense waves, the ocean changes, the landscape changes, and you can finally see the shore. You know there is something inside of you that is stronger than any obstacle; you now have full belief that you can do this 🙏🏼 Sensing hope, love, and joy, intimately feeling the love that is waiting for you when you finally reach the shore.
Claire had created the most magical and inspirational space to labour in, personal, welcoming, and tranquil. Claire's physical fitness and ability to reframe her mindset over and over after many hours shone a light on the power of a determined woman. Changing up her environment to keep mentally going, Claire kept actively moving from room to room. On multiple occasions, Claire and Fred would loop arms and head outside for a walk, to enjoy the feeling of fresh air, a new environment to take her mind somewhere else.
Then retreating inside, resting between waves in the welcoming warmth of the birth pool or moving to the shower for some relief that the pressure from the shower head could give her. We also engaged in acupressure and spinning babies. All the comfort tools we had in our toolbox were exhausted to keep Claire moving towards her goal. Never mentioning weariness, though she must have been so tired. Claire continued to find ways to keep keeping on.
My birthing goddess was so resilient. We continually encouraged Claire and reminded her of her birth power and her strength. Claire found her own rhythms and coping mechanisms that helped her through the intensity of her sensations, showcasing to us all that life only demands the strength you possess.
"There is a power that comes to women. When they give birth, they don't ask for it. It simply invades them, accumulates like clouds on the horizon, and passes through carrying the child with it." - Sheryl Feldman
Finally, after so many hours of hard work, Claire and Fred's baby was making it known he or she was ready to come and meet us all. Claire's intensity shifted to enable her to find a new grounding for the next two hours. I held Claire's hands, with my head leaning in and touching hers. Encouraging Claire with all my heart and reminding her of what she was capable of. My heart was filled with love for this young woman. I can only imagine the intensity that Claire was feeling, especially in these last few hours. Claire and Fred's baby experienced a bit of a tight squeeze with his shoulders being born, but with experienced midwifery support and movement, Claire reached down into the birth pool and welcomed their baby up into her loving arms. Our emotions were high and flowing freely, for we had all just had the honour to be present to witness the miracle of life.
Claire and Fred didn't know the sex of their baby. To be honest, you couldn't tell from looking at their baby’s face. Their baby was so perfect and pretty. An extra surprise, after catching her breath, Claire looked to see if they had a son or a daughter. They have a gorgeous little son 💙
When I left that night, all was looking wonderful as Claire and Rufus snuggled up in bed, getting to know each other in those precious golden hours after birth, with Fred, smiling from ear to ear close by their side.
Sadly, not long after I left, Rufus was displaying some breathing problems and was transferred across to the LGH. A stressful time was to follow. Our babies are so precious. Our hearts can hardly hold the pain of not knowing if they are going to be ok. Thankfully, Rufus picked up like a little champ, after nights spent in the NICU, this perfect happy and healthy new family of three could go home and start the next chapter of their wonderful life.
Thank you, Claire, and Fred, for inviting me to be part of your special birth story.
I wish you all the best for all the adventures that are awaiting you.
Love Krista xxx