

Hello World

A beautiful baby girl

Born 8th October 2021

Weight 7lb 5oz

 Just maybe somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that she dares to dream really could come true.

 This is Alicia’s second pregnancy. Alicia and her husband already have a beautiful and effervescent four-year-old daughter.  

Sadly, Alicia’s 1st birth had left Alicia feeling utterly traumatised. Alicia’s trauma is a direct result of what unfolded and how Alicia was treated during labour and birth. Alicia was left suffering with postpartum depression and PTSD. An investigation by an independent Obstetrician into what happened to Alicia, and why she was convinced her baby needed to be born early, uncovered the regretful truth that our medical system failed Alicia. In persuading her into an unnecessary induction before her baby or Alicia’s body were ready, caused wounds that would take years to heal.

“You can be grateful for your baby at the same time as being upset about your baby’s birth.” -Birth Talk

Alicia felt for many years that because of her birth experience Audrey would be an only child.

“Rainbows remind us that even after the darkest clouds, and the fiercest winds, there is still beauty.” - Katrina Mayer

Time, gentle encouragement from her husband and investigating all her options, particularly taking into consideration how her view on birth had changed, set the wheels in motion. Alicia felt hopeful, like she finally had the courage, after nearly 5 years, to face birth again - adding one more, very much loved and wanted child to complete their family. Alicia will make some positive changes, by reclaiming her birth power with knowledge, doula support and choosing the MGP program as her medical care provider.

Alicia has engaged in a caring birth team that will encourage, educate, and physically and emotionally support her. We will all listen and respect Alicia.

Just maybe somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that she dares to dream really could come true.

The birth of this new little soul is going to bring peace and joy with her.

In writing her birth plan, Alicia expressed that she has first-hand experience: that birth can be unpredictable and that the health of both herself and her baby are a priority. Yet, she also believes that birth can be a positive and empowering experience. Alicia wishes to birth her daughter knowing she has done everything she possibly can with the information and choices she has.

Alicia shares that she has trained for her labour like it is a marathon. She has gestational diabetes, which she has managed with minimal insulin and a very healthy diet. She has exercised routinely, practiced mindfulness, and done spinning babies exercises every day of her pregnancy. Honestly, she could not have prepared any better.

Towards the end of her pregnancy, Alicia did have some hurdles to navigate within the public medical system, however, with her newfound knowledge, she was able to engage with her medical care providers and plan for the best outcomes for both herself and her baby.

“Imagine if our culture told us that birth was one of the greatest things a woman might ever do. Imagine if the stories and images we were exposed to taught us that labour was an incredible and transformational experience, a rite of passage into motherhood.”

-Leonie MacDonald

  Alicia’s Birth Day

When I caught up with Alicia on Wednesday morning, she was 40 weeks and looking like she was ready to have a baby any day.

We decided it was the perfect time for us to try some acupressure, stimulating specific points that support and encourage labour.

When it came to what day this little girl would surprise us with her debut, we were both hoping she wouldn’t choose my sister’s wedding day, the 9th of October, and thought that any day before Saturday would be fabulous.

Alicia had been experiencing some cramping, which she was enjoying as she didn’t get to experience this with her first baby.

All the fears of feeling pressured to be induced solely on Alicia having gestational diabetes had gone.  My savvy and informed birthing goddess knew all her options and most importantly, knew the latest evidence “does not support induction for well managed GD.” The risk of induction far outweighs waiting for spontaneous labour to start. Her MGP midwives were very supportive and were now taking over her full care.

 Thursday morning, Alicia experienced an unexplained bleed and was advised to come to the LGH to be checked out. The Obstetrician didn’t know if it was a bleed from the cervix due to the pressure of baby’s head or from the placenta. Thankfully, both Alicia and her husband were assured that their baby, at this stage, was still very healthy and happy.

After discussing with the Obstetrician, Alicia and her husband made an informed decision to come back at 4pm. As Alicia was already 2cm dilated, she agreed to having cervidil inserted overnight and a plan for birthing her baby on Friday was in motion.

As Alicia’s body was ready to go, it took full advantage of that little nudge. The cervidil went in at 5pm. Alicia and her husband went for a walk and enjoyed each other’s company over dinner. By the time they returned Alicia was having regular sensations. She asked the midwives if this is the ‘real deal.’ They just casually replied ‘we will have to wait and see.’

Alicia sat on the birth ball and breathed through her sensations.

10.36pm: I miss a text message with an update that Alicia’s Husband had been sent home for a sleep. For the last 1.5 hours sensations have been stronger. Alicia is breathing through them and feeling really calm. They offered her a Panadeine forte in the hope that she would sleep.

I actively believe that how much any of us may think we know about birth in general, we know nothing about a particular birth. It will unfold in its own unique way.

There will be no sleeping tonight!

Before I arrive at the LGH, the OB on call that night, asks permission to examine Alicia to see if the cervidil tape fell out when her waters naturally broke. It’s still there and she removes it. This birthing goddess does not need any assistance “she has got this.” The Obstetrician is very impressed, sharing with Alicia that she is fully effaced and a good 4cm dilated.

11.30pm Alicia’s husband calls me. He wasn’t home long before he was summoned back to labour ward. He informs me that Alicia’s waters have broken. As I haven’t seen the previous text, I am not aware Alicia is already in established labour. I inform him to keep me posted and touch base with me in the morning unless labour picks up. Something sparks me to ask him: “Is Alicia having sensations?” He replies, “Do you mean contractions?”

“Yes,” I reply. He asks Alicia and I hear her respond, “Hell yes! They are coming every three minutes and are strong.” My intuition tells me that I should skip the shower, just get dressed and head straight up. “In that case, I am on my way.” In one of our previous conversations, I share with Alicia that I have a feeling she will have a very short labour and birth. I am acting on that feeling.

12am: I arrive at the LGH. Alicia is standing and leaning over the bed. Calmly breathing in the gas through each sensation. Alicia’s Husband is rubbing her back. My birthing goddess is completely in control. The atmosphere has a serene and peaceful feel to it. My heart sings, this is what Alicia has planned for. I buzz around and quickly blow up the birth cub, hang up the fairy lights, fill the diffuser and I ask Alicia’s husband to help me sync their playlist of songs. I am so happy that this time Alicia is the driver of her own birth, that she knows her hormones are her helpers. It is an amazing transformation that can take place in women when they find the strength of birth and what an amazing source of information and inspiration it can be. It effects your life forevermore.

Alicia mentions that she feels that the gas is making her feel euphoric.

Alicia’s husband shares with Alicia after her birth that she was sucking on the gas like a space cadet.

We all speak in soft whispers, including Alicia.

Alicia’s husband continues to rub her back and I massage Alicia’s head as she leans over the birth cub on the bed and continues to move and breathe with her body. We all support her and share positive words of love and encouragement. When we offer Alicia any comfort measures, she always answers in a calm whisper “that would be lovely.” There are no more vaginal exams and minimal interruptions. By just using her observation skills and listening and monitoring baby’s heartbeat, our wonderful midwife is reassured, as we all are, that this labour is progressing beautifully

Alicia’s husband is very quiet and supportive. His love and reassuring words to Alicia must help in giving her the courage to continue to labour on so calmly - the knowledge that she is safe and surrounded by everyone that she wanted to be present at her birth.

When a woman feels confident in her body, well supported, and able to express herself without inhibition, the pain she may feel in labour can become easily bearable, and just one part of the process.

Alicia’s physical fitness played an important role in enabling her to move her body in rhythm and move in sync with what her labour was asking of her. Endurance allowed her to stand and lean over the birth cub on the bed comfortably. Managing the pressure and the heaviness of her daughter, moving perfectly and smoothly through her body and helping her down with the assistance of gravity.

Labour and birth preparation enabled Alicia to feel excited and confident with all that this healing labour and birth had to offer her.

This time, Alicia was the driver of her own birth. This time, she had all the love, reassurance, and the tools to birth her baby her way.  

Transition seemed to sneak up and make a powerful but quiet appearance. Alicia handled it so well - if you blinked you missed the slight change in her voice. There was no denying It was hard work, and she revealed that she could indeed feel every part of her body opening and stretching to accommodate her baby descending every centimeter through her body. Alicia just breathed through it, taking each sensation in her stride. We continued to whisper words of encouragement, reminding her of all she had worked so hard to achieve.

Childbirth is an experience in a woman’s life that holds the power to transform her forever. Passing through these powerful gates in her own way. Remembering all the generations of woman that walk with her…she is never alone. -Suzanne Arms

Alicia announces to us that the baby is coming. Our midwife again reassures Alicia to follow her body as it knows what to do. Our midwife has a peak and can see baby’s head. She asks Alicia if she would like to feel her baby, as she is there and ready to meet her mummy.

9 months of waiting to fall in love for a lifetime.

Alicia starts to gently and slowly breath her baby out.

Here comes life.

At 1am exactly, with one hand up beside her face, a beautiful baby girl makes her calm descent into the world as Elvis Presley sings softy in the background. Our midwife asks Alicia to reach down and collect her baby up into her waiting and loving arms.

What an honour to witness the miracle of birth.

Revealing to us that birth can be an experience that demonstrates that life is not merely function and utility, but a form of beauty. That silence can also be a place of great power and healing.

Alicia remarked ‘I knew I could do it; I have been waiting 35 years to use these birthing hips.’

Alicia, you did it!  My heart was singing with all that you were able to achieve in and through your birth experience. You chose calmness and positivity, resulting in the serene and undisturbed birth of your beautiful daughter. Baby girl, your first breath away took ours all away.

Alicia, you invested in yourself and surrounded yourself with a birth team that would support you to have the best birth regardless of how it unfolded.

That thing we call intuition - It’s your soul, and you knew you could trust it xxx

In Alicia’s own words: “I found my birth truly empowering and so healing. It was more than I could have ever asked for. If my message can be passed on to other women, I would be thrilled.”

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that we dare to dream really do come true. Xxxx

Thank you, for inviting me to share in your special birth story.

I wish you and your wonderful family all my love and best as you continue to embark on one joyful and exhilarating ride: ‘Parenthood.’












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