Welcome to the world
Preston Ross Howell
Born on the 18.8.2019
On the 18.8.2109 little Preston Ross Howell made us all aware that he was ready to make is debut. He wasn’t waiting the extra few days for his scheduled birthday. Preston wanted to pick his own birthday. And that he did! Welcome to the world little man, your first breath truly took ours away.
Congratulations to Anna, Nathan and Addisyn on the birth of your precious son and beautiful baby brother.
Thank you, Anna and Nathan, for trusting in me to be your support and sounding board through this long journey of becoming parents a second time around.
Anna, I am so proud of you, pushing all your past fears aside as you welcomed Preston into the world. There was a power and an inner strength that you were able to tap into to keep you present and focused with all that was unfolding around you.
You had faith in yourself Nathan and I. You had Love in your heart for this precious new life that you had created, and new memories to make. There was no room for the fear of your past birth experience to creep in.
Preston’s birth was a healing birth. We planned and prepared every step of the way to make sure happy and joyful memories were going to be made. We left no rock unturned.
Though Preston did take us by surprise, deciding to say Hi a few days before we had meticulously planned for is debut. We worked with that little sidestep, and the excitement of knowing this was the day made little difference to our birth plan in the end.
“Birth is an opportunity to Transend to rise above what we are accustomed. To reach deeper inside ourselves than we are familiar with, and to not only what we are truly made of, but the strength we can access in and through birth” -Marci Macari
My heart is overflowing with happiness for you all. Your little family is complete. I am sure Preston will bring you all a lifetime of happy memories to treasure.
Love, Krista xxx