Jess, Mother of Lyla
If only all births could be such a positive experience, I wonder what kind of world we would live in now. Less post-birth trauma and other psychological issues that all effect the wellbeing and relationship of both mother and child.
From the supportive phone calls and messages to aromatherapy massages and appointment visits, to helpful books, printouts and recommendations of podcasts, to the little gifts like birthing affirmations and lactation bliss balls, Krista surely was the whole works when it comes to doula-ing!
Krista provided me with information and evidence-based practices over an ideal period of time where I didn’t feel overwhelmed but slowly took ideas on board throughout the pregnancy. I felt informed on how to maintain a healthy pregnancy, prepare for birth and feel confident on my preferences for birth. I could not have had a more perfect experience giving birth and I truly believe Krista’s tremendous support has set the foundations for a the blissful few months beyond pregnancy and birth I have had so far.
Some people tell me I got “lucky” for the experience I had however I really think the preparation Krista encouraged me to do played a major contributing factor.cI highly recommend Krista to anyone expecting a little babe. Don’t spend money on expensive baby equipment and toys, invest in the services of a doula who will make your transition into motherhood a beautiful one that you will never forget.