Fiona, Mother of Mable Evie


I met Krista during one of the toughest weeks of my life.

I had been in and out of hospital with irregular contractions and torn stomach muscles from lifting my toddler. I was on bed rest and could barely walk without pain. I felt like my dream of a VBAC was over at 37 weeks.

Krista visited me as a backup doula while my doula was away to touch base in case we needed her in labour. Her warmth and caring nature made us instantly drawn to her. After a few tears, Krista's words of encouragement and positive attitude gave me the boost I needed to re-focus and start to look forward to the birth.

I am now very much excited and determined to give a natural birth my best shot. I cannot thank you enough for your very well-timed visit Krista.

Krista Mccrimmon